WBKUltra October 2020 Website Number
I’m not exactly sure where this is going but for now, I want to post the web traffic for WBKUltra.com. My hope is that you can learn from this because, again, I don’t know what direction I am going to take this in. I mostly am doing this to create a stable foundation for what it looks like to build a niche content website.
Pageviews on site

Not much to see here, 1,794 pageviews, a pretty big bounce in the beginning with my Free Retail Arbitrage Lead blog post, so probably about 600 views less if I didn’t post that. It was mainly a blog post for the members of my facebook group so I don’t think it’s going to continue to bring in traffic, but I do think that I should keep making monthly retail arbitrage leads. I should probably also be linking to the amazon product pages with an affiliate link so maybe I can squeeze out a few extra bucks from the views it will bring in. If I can get 2000 pageviews next month, that would be considered a success in my book. Ideally, I can build the site up to 100K+ a month. I do not think that is going to be difficult, but it probably will take me a year or two to consistently get those numbers. If you are looking at making a niche content website, my first recommendation is to start now. I started this way too late. When you have to choose between marketing yourself on a platform that you can control vs one you can’t control, I think that, while it’s more difficult to grow, it will provide more overall value.
Page views by page

Here is the page view breakdown, and, as previously stated, 600 views on the retail arbitrage page and 300 on the home page. So basically 50% on those two pages. I don’t totally know what that means, in terms of how I should be formulating my content. I think the 151 pageviews on my 1000 Dollar Tree Challenge Video is slightly higher because of traffic from YouTube, since I pushed going to the website hard in that video and in the description. This is all kind of not-so-important since I just started but I think it’s going to get more interesting as I really go hard on search engine optimization (SEO). Not many of you know this, but before I was making money online selling stuff, I was making money online providing online marketing services (SEO).
Search Console Results

If you don’t know what Search Console is, it’s a more SEO friendly version of google analytics, for me at least. It shows you what pages people are clicking on when they are trying to navigate all the results on Google. With such little traffic, this data isn’t as usable, but I think that tracking it over the next year or two is going to provide a lot of value. Hard to make any observations based on this data, but a 17% CTR is really good with an avg. position of 21.7, but that is easily explainable by how many people are probably googling “wbk ultra” on google and nothing else shows up that they would be interested in.
Search Console Queries

Again, not enough traffic to go off, but a general leaning towards slowly building up healthy organic search traffic. Mostly just confirming what I previously mentioned.
Not much to go off here, but I encourage you to start doing the same. This is how we are going to figure out what works and what doesn’t work. It’s about the processes! Make sure you’ve got solid systems in place that produce results for you and stick to them. For next month, I want to focus on getting more organic traffic. I think my best bet to get more organic traffic from the keywords “retail arbitrage”, “amazon fba”, “grow your youtube channel”, and things related to making money online.